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Domesticated Mutation

In Collaboration with Rodrigo Guerra

This project explores the approach of reconstructing urban fragments through the transformation of historic urban typology, and that a larger urban framework as a whole could be formulated throughout the reconstruction of urban parts.

By the methodology of map overlaying, the key urban elements (wall/gates, street structure, alleys, key spaces) have been identified. They mark the spaces/elements that have been persisted throughout history as well as the most intensively changed areas in the city. Among the historic urban artifacts: 1) there has been a clear typological approach in their formation in relation with the topography of Chongqing; 2)the main urban structure has been well preserved, but the scale increased drastically; 3)the old city wall/gates has been mostly lost, but a clear trace can be found in the existing conditions; 4)the historical key spaces have been amalgamated into larger urban fragments and connected by modern infrastructure.

Given the loss of the traditional fine grain, the large urban vacant land and the demand of reintegrating the waterfront into the city, especially in the identified most intensively transformed area. There is the possibility of fusing the historic fine grain with the contemporary urban development. The new urban network within the historical area will form a new urban system.

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